Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Surveillance in the Workplace A Violation of Human Rights Essay

Surveillance in the Workplace A Violation of Human Rights - Essay Example The first type used by companies is computer monitoring. â€Å"Computer-based monitoring is the use of computerized systems to automatically collect information about how an employee is performing his or her job" (George 459). For employees doing data entry, some corporations monitor their performance by installing a computer software which can check the keystroke speed and accuracy. Some software can monitor how much time an employee surfs the net and what sites they visit. There are companies which even monitor the emails of their employees without their knowledge. Another type of employee monitoring system is the video surveillance. Turk explains that this type of surveillance is â€Å"used by employers for detecting employee misconduct (particularly theft), monitoring job performance and efficiency, and assuring conformance with safety procedures† (qtd. inMorgan , par 13). Most organizations today install closed -circuit television (CCTV) cameras in various parts of their offices. Outside the office, employees are monitored through the global positioning system (GPS).

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